NSFW/18+ eBook The Gold, Girls, and Glory Series (Books 1-4) by Hondo Jinx : 3 epub 1 mobi

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eBook Description:
Cut class.
Kick ass.
Save the frigging world.

When college sophomore Dan Marshall's life morphs into a hybrid of Penn State and a homebrew tabletop RPG adventure, he grabs his talking two-handed sword and hits campus, seeking gold, girls, and glory.

But even with two beautiful bad-ass women at his side, how can a low-level barbarian survive when he’s pitted against a fraternity of gnolls, a dungeon full of nightmares, and an apocalyptic death cult bent on destroying the whole world?

Warning: Dan the Barbarian is an over-the-top adventure novel intended for readers 18 and older. It includes explicit sex, graphic violence, a harem of gorgeous ass-kicking girls, and a foul-mouthed two-handed sword. Read at your own risk.


Dan the Barbarian
Dan the Adventurer
Dan the Destroyer
Dan the Warlord

Additional info:

Author: Hondo Jinx
Format: ePub
Category: Fiction eBooks, Fantasy eBooks