💬 Review The Invitation by PatchyBandi

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: The Invitation

Grace gives Evelyn a DNA test kit and discovers that she has relatives. Oliver, long-lost cousin, invites Evelyn to a wedding. Evelyn uncovers a dark secret within the family.

The movie is directed by Jessica E. Thompson and written by Blair Butler. It was released in 2022 on August 26. It takes 1 hour, 45 minutes, and 2 seconds to watch on Netflix. The genre is thriller and horror. It is rated Pg-13. There is violence, blood, partial-nudity, and sexual content. I don't recommend this for anyone who has a queasy stomach or for a young audience.

The story starts with a dramatic opening. Then follows our main lead Evelyn Alexander. We get to see how she lives and what she is passionate about. When she visits, it turns out the family is rich. While living in the family estate, there she starts to fall in love with a handsome fellow.

Spoilers: I think going in blind is the best choice, because there is not much to the story. Below I will talk about what I like and disliked.

The characters and outfits are beautiful. Everything in the movie makes it feel so luxurious. The mansion looks small inside in my opinion.

The ending is rushed. It is supposed to be about vampires and yet they die so easily. There is no time spent with all the characters. In a short amount of time there was a lot of development. I thought it was really good, because the author addresses what is important and foreshadows what is to come. The only thing I wished for in the story is that it could be longer.

Would you recommend this to other users? Maybe. It has potential. It did not scare me, but did make me unsettled throughtout.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐