💬 Review The Sherlock Files The 100-Year-Old Secret by Malice Galaxius

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Malice Galaxius

APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 3 years
Name of the eBook you are reviewing: The Sherlock Files The 100-Year-Old Secret

This story is an easygoing children's book with cute and entertaining visuals. The book is about two descendants of Sherlock Holmes on the way to solve their great, great, great ancestor's unsolved cases. Hence, the 100 year old secret.

The story doesn't align on the main story of Sherlock Holmes itself since he still didn't really have great, great, great grandchildren...yet. HOPEFULLY, we can expect it but for now. This story takes place in the future, a hundred years later after this case was abandoned and after the two young descendants had moved to London.

The whole time I was reading the book, it gave me an ease of mind since the author really did a good job on not dumping the whole story as a mere coincidence. Solving the mystery had my pondering moments, it makes you really think about the detail and the encounters the story had to offer. The British language and the culture was really emphasized on the story too. It makes it more relatable to viewers and share a new experience.

I know I said the story doesn't align well to the main story of Sherlock Holmes but that was only about the timeline. Some things are well written to how we was depicted. After all, his eccentric personality is what led the twins to do the case in the first place but he's unquestionably the one who gave them clues in the whole story. Nevertheless, the twins did work hard so A for effort for them. It was impressive for them to solve them an archaic mystery.

Now, that was all nice and all but I have one more thing to comment that I truly cannot swallow in this story. It is that, at the ending, Andrew (descendant of Watson) made such as huge character development! Like, I get he had subtle changes in the following scenes along with the plot but he totally did a 180 in the last part. Why? The author made such an effort giving him background and character that I double checked if I missed any chapters which doesn't really have much and I'm still craving for more to be honest. But still, there has to be more than, "Because my Aunt told me so". That ain't enough for anyone to change! The twins was also surprised that Andrew, the person that hated them the most, did a swift turn for the better. I would be scared too. So this plot development is unacceptable for me! Unless he was joking and turned to the dark side. He is a potential antagonist if you ask me. Alas, I'm disappointed I won't get to see anymore of his quirky attitude.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes, if they like mysteries and more about Sherlock Holmes then I'd definitely recommend.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐