💬 Review The Trail

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
Name of the app you are reviewing: The Trail

Link to the content you're reviewing on our site (optional): The Trail - Apps on Google Play

A different and challenging game.

The game is good, but there are some points that need improvement. Starting with the graphics: They are great, the art of this game is very beautiful and each path you take is different from the others. Gameplay: Good, gameplay is very simple, few buttons. You can learn fast in minutes. Story: Being very short, the story is based on letters. Missions help you improve your life, but they are very weak and tiring. It's a game you like, but the "end" doesn't like you because it's a pay-to-win. There is commerce within the game, but you can't collect the amount of coins to "make your dreams come true". You will keep repeating, repeating and doing the same things. And when you realize you've spent precious hours on this game, you feel very frustrated.
In terms of relaxation, which the description he himself brings in Google play, he does. It is a relaxing game taking some very boring moments that only those who play will understand (the anger it gives). No, it's not a bug. It's part of the challenge, and it's even a good concept because it brings up very strong moral issues. How to steal, save money and know how to manage things.

Would you recommend this to other users? The Trail is a game that you will enjoy playing for a couple of hours, or until you see that as far as you go you are no longer out. Then the game becomes repetitive bringing the same mechanics to nothing. After you "conquer your home / your dreams" you will continue to do the same thing. So gamble at your own risk, it will be worth it if you are bored or willing to pay.
Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐


Member for 6 years
Well the game got abandoned..no more updates from devs..it was an editors choice and had so much potential..still fun though and still a few active villages