💬 Review The View From The Cheap Seats

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This book is a compilation of articles and essays written by Neil Gaiman

This book is a non-fiction work by Neil Gaiman and it includes a compilation of articles. I am not a big fan of the brand of fiction that Neil Gaiman writes. I love Sandman but that's just because I really enjoy comics. The reason why I love this book so much is I feel it gives opportunity for people who enjoy Neil Gaiman's way with words but not necessarily the stories themselves to enjoy his work.

The book is divided into 10 segments; Books, Music, Movies, Authors, etc. The book gives you exactly what you expect of it, an honest and up close description of people and works of art that are very different from the distant "professional" review or commentary you find online or in a newspaper. It also gives you such a wonderful opportunity to explore what such a wonderfully creative man thinks about the "real" world. The book also -unintentionally- translated in my head into a form of an autobiography since all the articles are dated and since most of them are very personal which I think is also very cool.

The articles are all extremely genuine and heartfelt. The way he uses language constantly draws a smile on my face and to be honest, reading the book felt like I was having a conversation with the author and since the author is Neil Gaiman and I feel like of course we all want to have a conversation with him. The only think that put me off a little is that one of the articles which is actually a very honest description of the author's trip to a refugee camp and an honest call for action -which I think is amazing- included a long paragraph about how wonderful of a man Harvey Weinstein is and all the wonderful work he does for the UNHCR and so on. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about that but I have to say that's the only thing that made me feel uneasy about the book.

Would you recommend this to other users? I would definitely recommend this book, went through it in a couple of days.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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