[Update] Brave Frontier Cheats [Global]

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☠ Dark Lord ☠
Member for 8 years

Name: Brave Frontier
Version: 1.3.1


Jailbroken iDevice
iFile to install .deb
PreferenceLoader from Cydia

And Download These:
Support Download: -ClickHere

Regular Download: -ClickHere

Elementary School (Easy)

Installation Instructions:
Download the .deb file
Open iFile
Go to the file location
Tap on it and install
Close Settings from your Multitasking and reopen it
Scroll down and access the menu and select your mods to apply them
Reload Brave Frontier and enjoy!

Removal Instructions:
Open Cydia, go to the list of Installed packages
Look for Brave Frontier Cheats 1.3.0
Modify and uninstall


Immortality (Turn off, if causing crash)
1 Hit Kill (Infinite Attack Power)
Instant Braveburst
Infinite Battle Items (Removed, Causing crash)
1000 Item Inventory (spoof)
255 Deck Cost
200,000 Zel Gain per Dungeon
100,000 Karma Gain per Dungeon
100 Honor Points Gain per Dungeon
0 Keys <-- Parades stay open forever!
100 HP Monsters <-- Does not work in TrialsRemoval Instructions:
Open Cydia, go to the list of Installed packages
Look for Brave Frontier Cheats 1.3.0
Modify and uninstall

Credits: Javi Tech

Note: This is a share Mod, i never take credits for this mod and never will Thank You :)