Weekly Poll: Do you use Android Auto or Apple CarPlay?

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At WWDC 2022, Apple revealed that nearly all new cars (98%) support CarPlay, and that 79% of new buyers are specifically looking for it as a feature. But some automakers aren’t happy with this deal as GM announced its plan to ditch CarPlay and Android Auto in favor of a new custom solution.

To be fair, it won’t be an arcane internal system, Google will be deeply involved: the new navigation/infotainment system will include Google Maps and Assistant, and a Play Store for apps like Spotify and Audible. That’s great and all, but how long will this system be kept up to date?

The GM system should be similar to Android Automotive

The GM system should be similar to Android Automotive

Because with CarPlay/Android Auto, your navigation/infotainment experience is up to date as long as your phone is. You change cars less often than you do phones, and more and more manufacturers keep their phones up to date for 3-4 years (with Apple going much longer than that). Car software doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to updates.

Things are moving fast in this segment and are getting better every year.

The post continues on our Blog: Weekly Poll: Do you use Android Auto or Apple CarPlay?


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Those offer entities another opportunity to spy on unsuspecting citizens.
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