Weekly poll results: Galaxy Z Flip5 has little competition, Z Fold5 is quite pricey

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Samsung has big expectations from its new foldables, but they haven’t gotten any cheaper (the opposite, in fact) and the upgrades, while appreciated, are nothing groundbreaking – other brands had already figured out hinge designs that close shut and have large cover displays on their clamshell foldables.

Last week’s poll shows that the price is a major issue for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5. Even glowing reviews won’t sway most people, it’s just out of reach for them in terms of cost. And it doesn’t help that the Z Fold cameras have languished behind what the Galaxy S Ultra phones are getting.

Weekly poll results: Galaxy Z Flip5 has little competition, Z Fold5 is quite pricey

The cameras and to some extent the battery life were the biggest complaints about the Z Fold5 hardware. That new hinge sure is cool and the faster, more efficient chipset is also a plus, but the Z Fold remains a niche device that only the most well-heeled buyers can consider.

Moving over to the Galaxy Z Flip5, this one is seeing stronger demand but also more hesitation – the reviews will be important as things as the functionality of the larger cover display are still in flux.

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