What Animal Would You Be if You Could?

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Dimitri Petrenko
✌️ Community Team
Member for 5 years
I'd be an orca. They have tight-knit families/communities, so you always have good company. You don't have to worry about sharks coming after you, and you get to travel the world. Being able to jump out of water so gracefully is a bonus. I also LOVE seafood!

Either that or crows/ravens...kinda torn between the gorgeous ocean world or being a smart bird with few predators. :p
😃 Just tell me when you transform into a bird. And I will go there and hunt you down.😋


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Totally not original, but I'd be a house cat. My cats just seem to love life and I too want to just lay around, kill bugs, and annoy people into giving me attention.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
of course a Cat!!
Sleep all day😴, judging people all the time🕵👽🤓🤦 and have 1 or 2 slaves slaves🤴, sorry 1 or 2 owners👼👼 jajaja


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 5 years
Octopus because it has three hearts which is i can use to love more than just one and has 8 arms that i can use to hugged many people i cared when it is cut it can regrow back again.


Member for 5 years
Koala, I think I can pull of pooping in my sleep all day and moving to eat spicy leafs.


SB Cash Farmer
Member for 5 years
Buffalo so I can produce free wings too fry


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
Either a dolphin so I can swim around and play all day, or a bird so I could fly in the clouds without a plane.