What has D3T0X missed? [SB cash Competition!]

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? Senior Developer | Porting VN's from PC
From the Hell
Member for 6 years
Hello Sbenny Community,

Some of the seasoned members may remember me!? or potentially you may have seem my name around here somewhere 🧐

I use to release mods and ports on a fairly regular basis but took a decision to get some headspace and retired from the forums around 2 years ago!

To my surprise a lot has changed here in two years and i have a lot to catch up on!

To help me please post your favourite thing about this wonderful community and what you think I should know about now I'm back!

(E.G Sbenny got that license system working! Those are some crazy skills and something to be celebrated!)

The top 3 posts most liked by myself and the community will receive the following SBCash from my still rather well endowed SBCash Balance!

1st Place - 3000 SB Cash!
2nd Place - 1500 SB Cash!
3rd Place - 500 SB Cash!

Closing Date for posts: Friday 5th March 2021.

Please remember to add a reaction to your favorite post to help me pick!

It's good to be back!


Hunter of Sbennytopia
From the Hell
Verified 18+ user
The Cleaner 🧹
Member for 3 years
Hello D3T0X and I am Glad that you are back. for starters DLLs are almost outdated and you will rarely find a APK these days which has a dll. unity games now have libil2cpp.so and if you want to get back at modding then IDA and Dnspy would be Excellent for you. also Sbenny is doing a lot of improvements and changes for the betterment of the community.
That's all i have to say for now.


Member for 3 years
Hullo @D3T0X , I don't know about you (I came here around 4 months ago) so I will post what I think is important and helpful about this forum..........
1. SB bucks (was that the name? I heard abt it from other users) has been changed to SB points.
2. My favourite thing about the community is that even if you don't mod/are inexperienced at modding, you can still make your place here.
3. I think the 'active user' rank wasn't around when you were here (I am guessing....), So please read about that in the rules section.
4. The Sbenny app made by Cozpatch is discontinued, if you use it, remove it, and install the supported version, which is pinned to the top in the contests and news section.
5. Now, replying to a request deducts 1 SB point.

That's all I can think of now, will type later if I come around more stuff which i think is important......


Member for 5 years
I don't pay attention much about new things, I do read every single one (when I first being active) if I see them but only remember something that major and/or really affect me in some way 🧐
Also, welcome back! I haven't heard of you, either that or it's my memory again xD

Anyway, I probably won't be much help other than relay some of new stuffs but I favorite thing (generally speaking) is the friendly/healthy/helpful-ness everyone around UwU
Thing you should know? There's cookies in the shop! COOKIES!


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
Glad to see you back. I remember you from the past. Yes lots has changed here, but the community is still the same. Hope the last 2 years helped you clear your head, but hey, let's straight back into it.
Good luck


LP Mod Queen ? From Sbennytopia ??
Member for 4 years
Hi! I'm Marialisa 😊 first thing: Welcome back even if I don't know you! I have been here for just over 1 year and what can I say ??? 😘 It is the most beautiful community, the thing that struck me the most is: that I am myself registered here just to download Bubble Witch Saga 3 mod game and instead I became a modders! Good luck 😉


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
Coincidentally, I was going to ask you to update an old Paid APK of yours, but no matter. D3T0X, Sbenny.com has started noticing that people were abusing the free SB Points; they decided to encourage activity by giving more rewards when you're actually Active. Ironically, you're still an Active User even after your 2-year break. I also think some limited-edition items were given and more events happened while you were gone? I don't really know, for I'm not an Active User. Anyway, it really IS good back to be back, isn't it? I hope you can still adjust to the new features of this forum.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years
Welcome back!
I've never seen your name before but that's probably just because I mostly just come here for modded choice games. 😅
Anyways, my favorite thing about Sbenny is the wonderful community. People are really nice here.
You could leave for a long time (or just lurk for years like I did lol) and people will still be so welcoming. I absolutely love that! 😊 and definitely needed that with all the crazy stuff happening in real life. 💜


Profesional Mafioso
Member for 3 years
Hi, I have never seen you around here because I'm a new member (I joined only a few months ago) but you seem like a pretty cool guy/girl. My favourite thing about the community here on sbenny is that it is very welcoming to everyone. For example when I was on wendgames they were calling the moders morons for not making good enough mods (I mean leeching good enough) I don't know if you didn't know that back then, but hey, I hope we can chat sometime.

Have a nice day
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