White peach and mulberry cochineal

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There white cochineal (Pseudaulacaspis pentagona) is an insect belonging to the order Rhyncotafamily Diaspididae. On some texts it is indicated with the synonym of Diaspis pentagonawhile it is commonly known as white cochineal of peach and mulberry. This parasite is native to the Far East, probably Japan. It was accidentally introduced to Europe in the late 1800s via northern Italy. Since then it has spread in a cosmopolitan way, currently it is distributed in most of the territories of the 5 continents between 45 ° north and south latitude.

So let’s see how to recognize the white cochineal, the damage it causes to tree crops, the agronomic prevention techniques to reduce its presence in the orchard, and the biological defense on already infested plants.

Description of the white cochineal

infestation of white peach and mulberry cochineal

There Pseudaulacaspis pentagona it comes in different forms, feminine and masculine.
The female follicle is circular or sub-circular, creamy white with reddish exuvia in a displaced or, more rarely, central position. It measures 2-2.8mm in diameter.
The adult female form is orange in color, slightly piriform in appearance, with the most developed mesothoracic part and well-marked lobes of the thorax and abdomen.

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