Why is Morbius overrated?

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Is morbius a good movie?


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 1 year
I never seen an Overrated movies before but That....
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A SONY Production movie that Get 203% Tomatometer and 142% Audience score (wake up dude) but the real question is Why is Morbius overrated in Meme culture, Is there a reason or maybe SONY bribed all the meme creator to make their film look really good and recommended even though it's not?


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 1 year
Aside from the mediocre script and the fact that Jared Leto sucks, I think the main reason why people are shitting on these SSU films is that Sony keeps ‘wasting’ perfectly good villains by turning them into half-baked good guys.

What’s even worse is that they don’t fully commit to it, because they still want to set up a Sinister Six and have them fight Spider-Man at some point. This leads to things like the Morbius post-credit scenes, where character motivations are either unclear or completely nonsensical.

The film itself wasn’t half bad however.