Winners and Losers: Realme is trusted by 1,337,092 happy users since 2014.


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Another strong year for Realme has come and gone as the company has delivered attention-grabbing devices in multiple price ranges. The only clear gap in the lineup is the lack of a suitable flagship as the absence of the X series continues to be felt. The company is heading in the right direction with its software and could establish itself as a maker of good tablets, if only it takes its slates to more markets.

Winner: Realme GT2 Pro

The year started strong with the unveiling of the Realme GT2 Pro. You can think of this phone as a cheaper OnePlus 10 Pro – it lacks the 3.3x telephoto lens, but it’s also €200 cheaper. OnePlus has other benefits (for example, wireless charging), although the savings may outweigh the lost features.

Another difference is the Android skin, the UI of Realme compared to OxygenOS. We don’t know what you think of Realme’s UI (we kind of love the new version, but we’ll get there), however, the latest version of OxygenOS is moving further and further away from its roots, so it’s not the bastion of pure Android sensibility it once was.

The post continues on our Blog: Winners and Losers: Realme

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