Wondering how FGTQFS was hacked (now out of date)

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Modding Since 2017
Member for 6 years
I saw a Youtube video about a family guy game, which does work (I tried it in bluestacks), where the regular actions do not cost clams to complete.

The rest, like buildings, clearing areas and so on, still cost clams.

This being a server side game, I am wondering how it was done. The game still works up to the point that it updates, and then of course, that is a done deal because it updates.

I had a look in the APK and it looked too advanced for me ... so far....
I have yet to fully grasp modding .so files... though I need to learn soon.

Anyone have an idea?


A crazy scientist
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It's not completely a server-sided game. They just modded it the way you do it (but it's in /lib/ folder for this game) and it worked, that's all. The main problem now is that they encrypted the values so it's just harder to find them, but once you find them you can hack that game again. If you look into the "history" of the mods for this game, you'll see there has been many many mods for this game across past years.


Modding Since 2017
Member for 6 years
I guess I have to study it. I am still trying to pretty much master Unity games so I haven't started trying to mod any games with .so files. I have IDA, hex converter, and Hex workshop, just haven't been that far yet. As always, your thoughts on things are appreciated.


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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I do recommend you to keep focusing on Unity first. You'll see it'll be useful when approaching to IDA as you'll know already the basics.