A game of Would you rather, involving the whole community (or as many of that participate)

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In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
I hope you mean when I'm dead - then my spine. ...
2000 years later - When futuristic life forms exhume my skeleton... then I want to greet them with a smile. 😂

Would you rather fight 100 duck sized elephants or 1 elephant sized duck?
Hmmm both have death written over them... trampled by tiny elephants or a giant duck? Might go for the quick smoosh of the duck elephant than the tiny elephants on a stampede. It would be like small dogs stepping on you when you fall to the ground.
Although it makes me wonder if their weight would be the same even at their size? Then the tiny elephants would be the death of me and the duck elephant would be like a big party float balloon.

Would you rather be your favorite furniture(wouldn'tbe good to be farted on or etc sadly) or would rather have a statue size friend as you furniture who watches your every move?


eBook Releaser
Member for 6 years
Answer: I would rather have a statue-sized friend even if they watched me all day everyday than be a furniture, I would be bored out of my mind 😁

Question: Would you rather sleep with anyone you desire whenever you please, or eat as much as anything you want and never gain an ounce?


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
Easy for me! Food Food Food! Never go hungry at all and if I find that special someone I could feed them or better yet feed those who don't get to eat everyday! Peace Love and Food makes people happy! :love: Sadly that is my only wishful thinking and rather not think the other alternate😓

Speaking of peace....

Would you rather have a world where peace is everywhere in the world and live a random life of people running after everyone just to ask you multiple questions like: How are you feel? Should we feed you food? Do you need help going to the bathroom or eating or would rather have help walking running or climbing etc. Basically a world where you can't do anything for yourself if you have peace
Would you rather have a chaotic world where the adventures are everyday but with constant creatures watching you and you can't sleep what so ever or you will get attacked every chance but can never die?


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
I rather live in the chaotic world. In the peaceful world I may bring in the chaos myself by murdering someone out of frustration lolol

Woud you rather be the best dancer in the world, able to make a lot of money out of your abilities, but feel absolute depression every time you dance...

or be the worst dancer in the world, everyone despising you every time they see you dance, but feeling true joy when you do it?


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
I rather live in the chaotic world. In the peaceful world I may bring in the chaos myself by murdering someone out of frustration lolol

Woud you rather be the best dancer in the world, able to make a lot of money out of your abilities, but feel absolute depression every time you dance...

or be the worst dancer in the world, everyone despising you every time they see you dance, but feeling true joy when you do it?
Definitely be the worst dancer and be happy

Would you rather have the ability to shape the world as you please (cure cancer, end poverty, etc) but everytime you use it a million people die
Or have the ability to bring back the dead, but for each brought back, two others die