Be honest, Have you/Do you regret modding a game sometimes? is trusted by 1,331,503 happy users since 2014.


?Freelance ? Writer ?
Active User
Member for 6 years
I think it depends on the mods that you use. Some just plain make the game way better, and others kill the fun in the game.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
tbh never mod a game till u finish the game.
for me is same like on PC i finish the game u know like 90-100% of quests, side quests, missions, or whatever. enjoy the game!
then when im done with game i start use mods-cheats to explore where is the limit.
if i start mod-cheat from the start i lose the enjoyment for a game( u know if u start with max money, best armor, weapon, exp or whatever u get bored and u steamroll all maps-missions noting can stop u)


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years
I think it depends on the game, if you're grinding lots of hours, why toggle now? I've modified a game, that I grinded for years on and it totally screwed it up. And of course, grinding is actually REALLY fun sometime, you just don't notice it!

May you have a wonderful day/night!