💬 Review Captain America: the winter soldier

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
Name of the movie you are reviewing: Captain America: the winter soldier

This movie follows a character who was trained and brainwashed to be an assassin to Nick Fury and Captain America. Captain America knew him from previous years as his best friend Bucky.

This is one of my favourite movies ever seen, first of all the acting in this movie was amazing.. Christ Evans (Captain America) couldn’t have done a better job with his facial expressions and how he really got into the character. Same with Sebastian Stan (Bucky) hes one of my favourite actors and he made me believe that he was the character he was actually playing. It’s amazing to see how different you can pretend to be onscreen vs off. The movie itself had a great plot. Like when Cap finally realized that Bucky was alive and there. The elevator scene was well choreographed and it’s one of my favourite fight scenes in the whole movie, besides everything with bucky in it.. the meaning behind the things they say like “till the end of line” and how they remember that from years back is AMAZING and the friendship bonding between the two is a real friendship, something i can’t forget. Captain America proved himself to be MORE than just a good friend in this movie. He proved himself to be a leader and a fighter for something he believes in. The characters in this movie made me feel like I had a personal connection to each one of them and made me feel like i could understand what they’re going through.

Would you recommend this to other users? HELL yes

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐