📖 Tutorial dnSpy - How to fix BackingField in getter and setter methods

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Savage Lv6️⃣
SB Mod Squad ⭐
Member for 8 years
You may meet BackingFields in dnSpy but you don’t know what it is and how to fix?

BackingFields are generated by compiler because they use auto Properties like this

public string Type { get; set; }
I think because some devs are lazy... I don’t know lol

This is how it looks like when editing getter. BackingField is red

And when you compile, you get the following errors

But it’s easy to fix, edit getter add a new field and return it with your field and compile. In this case, I add public bool isGlobal for IsGlobal

Edit setter, edit to (Type) = value; and compile

Now you can mod it like adding if-else statement for MOD Menu



Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 6 years
Not the best way(imho)
This happens due to outdated ILSpy version that used in dnSpy.
//0xd4d upgrading ILSpy lib now but no one knows how long ll it take(auto-merge do not applicable)
//dnSpy decompiler(outdated ILSpy lib) issues
So there two priority ways:
1) sm-where exists special settings that allows decompiler automatically renames same names.
2) use other decompiler(4 ex - use ILSpy / net reflector / etc) and update(replace) code of methods affected.

ps I recommend to use second method coz first one may cause errors.