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In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 6 years
How did you find us? Googled 'mod apk'!

Which types of games do you usually play? Match 3, JRPG, VNs, and MMOs

Something about me: I'm an obsessive reader and gamer - books are my 'comfort blanket'. As a kid, that meant I judged a purse's suitability by how many books I could actually fit into it; as an adult, it means how many books (in the thousands) I can fit on my phone. One can never have too many books!

I rather loathe 'introduce yourself' posts as it seems to just clog up forums and no one ever reads them all, and it's nerve-wracking for introverts (me!) - a lot like being shoved to the front of a classroom as a new student and being told to 'share about yourself'.

But I understand it's a useful tool for weeding out bots, and it's apparently required for both sharing files and requesting files, so here I am, doing the needful. Because I have a tonne of books I can share :3

Azura Shadow

Member for 5 years
Got stars in my eyes from your post and the tons of books to share , readers are in a class of their own Where nothing and no one else comes close ! 😆 Welcome to Sbennytopia!


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 6 years
Readers need to their own homes with their own favorite books XD But I've been hoarding epubs for - geez, years? Only recently have I discovered Calibre, which has made ORGANIZING my ebook collection so much nicer. The tagging system alone??? When you have several thousand books.... *coughs*

Though I'll admit, most of my collection is fantasy fiction or paranormal, there's not a lot of variety - there's some romance and steampunk, but most of it's fantasy fiction :3 I haven't got up the courage to post a collection yet, I'm worried about doing the wrong format and hunting down the links for stuff - like I said, I've been collecting for years. I don't even *know* where I've found some of them at this point....

Azura Shadow

Member for 5 years
Ah yes calibre is awesome , discovered it a few years ago to change book formats and really does do one hell of a job with organizing ... *Lights up like a xmas tree * 😍 paranormal are my favourites and Im so looking forward to your uploads .. There are threads you can read on the uploading bit and also ask for help in a thread perhaps ..We have a few ebook releasers and Im sure they will be willing to share a few pointers 🤗