Favourite game you have ever played past or present or both doesn't matter how many

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Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 6 years
Come over to the darkside we have cookies
Past: Crazy Catapult Penguin and Lemmings (yippee) oh the memories from my childhood with lemmings
Current: Starship Inanna, Lovestruck and Wolftails and sometimes nebula


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
There's only one game that still defines as my favorite and also defines my level of enjoyment with every succeeding game I have ever come across. If a game gave me the same feeling I felt like this game did, then to me, it was a great game worth remembering.

That game, is Chrono Trigger.

Now you might think "Oh great, another Chrono Trigger junkie", now now, hear me out first.

I don't base it on mechanics, gameplay, or other technical stuffs. I base it on the "feeling". That tingle on your spine after completing a game for the first time. That moment you finally relaxed and laid your back on your chair, after hours and hours at the edge. Thinking to yourself "Man, that was an amazing ride". Of course, for 2 decades after CT was released, I have felt that with the plethora of games in my lifetime.

This may sound cheesy, but

My only wish, is that the same feeling will be with me when my life comes to an end someday. That I could also say "Man, that was an amazing life".


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Every Elder Scrolls Game, Every Kingdom Hearts game, Most Mario Games, I love Terraria and Starbound, and I also love Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
I'd choose Dragon Age:Inquisition because it was and still is a very fun game to play. Its an open world and the characters that you can romance are handsome and beautiful in their own ways. I LOVE Cullen❤❤