Google's Android app Bundle is trusted by 1,330,660 happy users since 2014.

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Hardy Singh

Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 7 years
From last few months I have been noticing this thing very often. When I try to patch some of the apps with Lucky Patcher it ends with an error message. When I try to extract an APK file of those apps with luck patcher it ends with an error message too.

Here is the link of game:

What is Google's Android app Bundle? Is there a way to bypass it and get full APK ?

Any useful input will be appreciated.


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Member for 5 years
Dear @Hardy Singh I looked into this topic a bit and found out the Android App Bundle is "new" upload format by Google and Android which includes the app's compile code and resources and is made for publisher on the Google Play store and it comes with a lot of useful features, which some of them are: the "Dynamic Delivery" which uses the app bundle to make and deliver a optimized APK for each user's device configuration, so every user only download the code and the resources need to run app on their device. Also it basically makes bigger apps or games easiest to upload/publish without having to use APK extensions files for it and trough a feature called "dynamic feature modules" where the app can request trough the play core library additional modules as dynamic feature APks and then trough the feature Dynamic Delivery, Google play just send the the needed code and resources for that module to the device.

So short: it makes life easier and work shorter for the people there but it's a nightmare for modding/patching.


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Hello :)

I am closing this question and moving it to Answered Questions as this question has been resolved. If you have any other questions please post them in our Questions Area.

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