Hidden content concern...

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
um... good day...

I've just noticed that when you've unlocked a hidden content on a thread post(by liking the post/replying to the thread), there seems an ad occupying almost 80% space inside the hidden content.
I just feel, I dunno, "distracted" since it takes the majority space within the hidden bb code.

Just want to at least minimize the size of the ad or place them somewhere outside the hidden content bb code...

Thanks! :)


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
our forum is ad free. I think what you have is that in your browser go to the settings (3dots right corner) scroll to settings- sites- disallow ads/pop-ups there.
if you like I can make a short video to show you how
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