📖 Tutorial How to know what to change in IDA in order to make your hack work

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Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 6 years
Time to check this out. Hope I can learn. Been searching for months to learn hacking and still cant even learn the basics...


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 6 years
Nice, ill try to mod

Im trying to mod a maximum zoom out value for a map.
Here what i found:

.text:0035649C loc_35649C                              ; CODE XREF: sub_355968+2FB8↓j
.text:0035649C                                         ; sub_355968+2FC4↓j
.text:0035649C                 LDR             R0, =(aMaxZoomoutStra - 0x3564A8)
.text:003564A0                 ADD             R1, PC, R0 ; "max_zoomout_strategic_map"
.text:003564A4                 ADD             R0, SP, #0x2C0+var_15C
.text:003564A8                 ADD             R2, SP, #0x2C0+var_160
.text:003564AC                 BLX             sub_1ADDA30
.text:003564B0                 LDR             R0, =(_ZN11gameoptions11GameOptions9SingletonE_ptr - 0x3564BC)
.text:003564B4                 LDR             R0, [PC,R0] ; _ZN11gameoptions11GameOptions9SingletonE_ptr ...
.text:003564B8                 LDR             R0, [R0] ; gameoptions::GameOptions::Singleton
.text:003564BC                 ADD             R1, SP, #0x2C0+var_15C
.text:003564C0                 MOV             R2, #0x64 ; 'd'
.text:003564C4                 BL              sub_DA23E4
.text:003564C8                 LDR             R2, =(off_1FA9544 - 0x3564DC)
.text:003564CC                 STR             R0, [R10,#0x88]
.text:003564D0                 LDR             R1, [SP,#0x2C0+var_15C]
.text:003564D4                 LDR             R2, [PC,R2] ; dword_2016874
.text:003564D8                 SUB             R0, R1, #0xC
.text:003564DC                 CMP             R0, R2
.text:003564E0                 BNE             loc_357A4C
But im not sure which line i should change..