📖 Tutorial How to modify XAPK file using Winrar or 7-Zip

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Savage Lv6️⃣
SB Mod Squad ⭐
Member for 8 years
Do you want to mod existing mod XAPK with mod APK inside? Sure you can. XAPK is just a ZIP file, like APK file and it's very easy to mod. You can modify it easly using Winrar or 7-Zip

To open XAPK with Winrar, you need to open Winrar, click Options -> Settings -> Integration and define custom extension XAPK


After that, you can open XAPK as Winrar



To open XAPK with 7-Zip, right click on XAPK file -> 7-Zip -> Open archive



Now you can replace APK or other files. Just ensure the APK filename is a package name. If not then any XAPK Installer might not recognize the APK file

Use APK Easy Tool to get package name from APK file


If you release modded XAPK, please tell users to use XAPK Installer app: MOD APK - XAPK Installer 1.4 | No analytics | No update check | URL fixed



Hunter of Sbennytopia
From the Hell
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The Cleaner 🧹
Member for 3 years
oh thankyou. i am a noob i guess xD