Increase number of times of watching ad videos of sb points. is trusted by 1,330,289 happy users since 2014.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 3 years
Hello, I want to give you guys one suggestion and that is just increase the number of watching ad videos to get sb points because sometimes I get only 6 sb points from one ad video and hence just less than 40 sb points in total. So just giving out suggestion. You can also remove limit of watching ad reward videos but then also impliment some security system like limit sb points 5-10 per video.
Thanking you.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years
I think that might just be you on that end. Honestly, I'm fine with the amount of SB Points I get from watching an ad. The ads are a really good system no matter the amount of SB Points you get. 🤷‍♀️
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Member for 5 years
I think we all know what will happen if we decide to put more easy ways for users to earn points so I won't rants about it again.

Sometimes, you get almost nothing from watching ads. Well, isn't that kind of the point? It doesn't always work out when you take the easiest way?
Watching ads isn't the only way for points so if you all feel the needs of earning more points than you already have, I suggest taking your time making videos showcasing mods rather than making suggestions about how you should have more points, it take significantly less works than modding with even better rewards.
You get the idea.

I know you're just making a suggestion, but we all know these kind of suggestion are obvious and seeing them all the time is kinda annoying.
That's my two cents, take it or leave it.


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 5 years
I thought the ads were a good incentive. How does the ad revenue actually work? I would imagine there is a way for the ad company to decipher abuse of the system. Make a new YouTube video of a mod you have played, that was an excellent suggestion above.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 2 years
If everyday can earn 20-50 SB points by watching ads is good enough. 1 month can earn 600-1500 SB points