💬 Review Shadow Knight: Deathly Adventure RPG

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Name of the app you are reviewing: Shadow Knight: Deathly Adventure RPG

RPG game where you play as different characters and become the enemy of darkness.

Shadow Knight, despite being just released, has been gaining lot of popularity and interest among RPG gamers. You play as different characters which have to defeat monsters and bosses. There is also a storyline that even if it isn't portrayed, it's still pretty much interesting. What I like of these games are the graphics and the fighting animations, and that's what the game wants you to focus on - fighting, fighting and fighting. But things aren't going to be any easy, monsters and bosses get harder to defeat so I suggest to replay old maps and collect more items to get stronger. Also, by installing the game right now, you receive a pre-registration reward where you get epic items which is really useful. I haven't played it so far yet, but from what I've seen, for now you can play at least 2 characters and take them both in your adventures. If one dies, the other one takes its place, though try not to let them die too quickly because there are a lot of monsters ahead. This game is also good for venting -when you feel like you need to remove some stress, slashing 'em heads can surely be satisfying!

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Deleted member 741610

I played Shadow Knight quite a bit. Story mode is completed and 2 / 3 characters are leveled up to 50.
So the beginning was easier I bought 2 starter packs, still not convinced if it was worth it. Reaching 'end game' means grinding, grinding and more grinding. All you can do now is max out your characters. In short it's very boring.