💬 Review The aether

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Name of the app you are reviewing: The aether

Link to the content you're reviewing on our site (optional): 🎮 MOD APK - [Hosted Games] The Aether: Life as a God v1.0.8

This game is about life as a god. You make your own world, create a race that will rule the world and worship you. You can go hunting for daemons and can get in the politics in the court of gods. You can answer prayers of your people, you can change the future of your world.

I enjoyed this game a lot, I was able to create Earth and make humans. I taught the humans skills that could be useful they eventually were able to travel and colonize other planets since I allowed them to. This game is great if you want to experience what it is like to manage your own world and your own race. Daemons would also get in your world and would try to make other people believe in other gods or lose faith in you. If you get bored or if you don't have to answer any prayers you can go to the court to get contracts that tell you to do stuff like deliver a book which made gods go mad if they opened it. Sometimes it would give you the option to attack other gods but you would usually be killed and have to use a crystal to revive yourself. You can also go to the marketplace where merchants would sell you things that would be useful to your world like Crystal that you could use to kill daemons in your world. At the end you meet up with some gods and they tell you about someone called Titian which is very powerful they attack it and it gives you the option to warn of the gods which is about to be attacked by Titan so they can move (I chose to warn him so he lived. If you chose not to he would die). Eventually Titian would grab you if you had enough power you could force yourself to get freed but then another god that I do not remember his name would save you. After you get the chance to lie and tell that you did it by yourself or give credit to the other god. At the end you get the option to join the Court of Gods or refuse to.

Would you recommend this to other users? I would recommend this to others because it allows you to see a world from the perspective of a god. You can get into the politics of the Court, you can go hunting so you won't get bored. It is very interactive so you can change the future of your race and your world. I would recommend it to everyone.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐