💬 Review 7 Days!

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
Name of the app you are reviewing: 7 Days!

A graphic novel set in a mysterious post-apocalyptic-like universe. It's a choice based game in which your decision affects the story's ending and the relations between the characters.

I am not a big fan of graphic novels and when I start one, I rarely last 2 hours before deleting it. This game though, was, oooh, so different.
The story is filled with mystery and follows a set of characters after their apparent death. They have to make choices to survive the horror they are living through. You have to play one character at a time and lead them through, relatively, the same events, but from different points of view.
I am totally in love with the art style which is very cute and pleasing to the eyes, it reminds me of cartoons, especially those on nickelodeon, and as I am a big child, I love it! It's a really very simple art style, very geometrical with details that are not very polished, yet it being cute and simple doesn't take away the immersion inside a scary universe.
It is very well written and the characters are well designed, they have a depth that is hard to find in game characters nowadays. Their individual stories are touching and they are very attaching characters.
There is no story that is boring and even playing one character once is not enough, it makes you wanna uncover all the other endings, even just to see the art style, it's definitely worth it.
The ambiance is perfect for people who like a little bit of tension, the same tension that is felt in fate defining choices that we have to make during the game

Would you recommend this to other users? I would definitely recommend it, it's worth your time! It's entertaining, inspiring even, go for it!

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐