7 games created with Unity for Android

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The titles available for the Google system are many current ones, many of them of a high level in the different genres available. It is worth mentioning that if you want to play many of them you have to have a device medium-high range and some requirements to meet, which is normal in this type of case.

we present 7 games created with Unity for Android, with great popularity in the Play Store in most cases, only one will be accessible outside of it. Among the things, one of them has a small cost, worth it if you want to play it in your terminal with a balanced power.

Hitman Sniper

Hitman Sniper

Hitman Sniper

Under the skin of Agent 047, this video game uses Unity as its main base to surprise those who want to fully immerse themselves in a title where the weapon will be none other than a sniper rifle. The good thing about this is the graphic section, all the details were taken care of, managing to maintain a good perspective of the saga.

Despite not having a complete story, Hitman Sniper is one of the franchise video games that promises a good experience for mobile phone gamers.

The post continues on our Blog: 7 games created with Unity for Android

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