Android’s photo collector now also shows photos stored in the cloud is trusted by 1,340,237 happy users since 2014.


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Android 13 introduced a privacy-focused photo picker: instead of granting apps full access to your gallery, it lets you select only certain photos (and/or videos) that will be made available to the app. However, it only worked with files stored locally on the phone.

Now Google has introduced an update that lets you select files stored in the cloud just as easily. Here’s how it works:

This gives you seamless access to photos and videos you’ve uploaded from other devices. An alternative use case is to move photos and videos to the cloud to free up your phone’s storage space.

Google Photos is currently the only cloud platform that works with the updated photo picker. However, other cloud services can also use the official API to add support. However, there is an important limitation. Currently only cloud services designated by phone manufacturers can become cloud services for the photo chooser. Each producer can nominate up to three services and can choose which will be selected by default.

Choosing a cloud store provider

Choosing a cloud store provider

The new cloud feature will launch with Google’s February system update for phones running Android 12 and later.

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