📖 Tutorial Android Mod IDE - Testing phase 3 v0.90 RC1 Build

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APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 7 years
this hotfix is sooo hot :D


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 6 years
I may have to give this a shot. So other than automatically modding for you it is capable of doing everything from the point of getting the Apk on your computer to having it ready to put on your phone?


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 7 years
I may have to give this a shot. So other than automatically modding for you it is capable of doing everything from the point of getting the Apk on your computer to having it ready to put on your phone?
Yes that is the 'intent'. I'll restate that this is still in beta build so some bugs can be expected, to give an example im currently having trouble with the way it handles floating point instructions for .NET assemblies, and changing classes a function calls in assembly mode might give issues, those are two off the top of my head. Overall however, its performing decently from start to finish, as you put it.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 7 years
UPDATE - Version 0.8
Did a MAJOR overhaul of a lot of code during this cleanup. Stability of the .NET disassembly editing and saving should be much better, if you have any issues besides the below mentioned bug, please let me know.

- more personalized settings to allow font changes in both the editor and the overall GUI (color, size and style for those with vision issues, syntax highlighting works for all keywords as well regardless of default text color)
- Image viewer has improved to allow scrolling for large image and reads the pixel RGB values
- Much improved error logging to assist in finding bugs
- Ability to save console log
- For those wishing to tinker with the source: a javascript console allowing you to run java methods/functions dynamically at runtime on ModIDE's JVM
- Rewrite of the .NET editing panels and the entire event handling API. Should improve stability and reduce manually entered floating point and other integer errors

Known bugs
- A few of the actions require at least one file has been opened in the application before they will properly work. Fix is in the works
- the Nop instruction is broken at the moment for any instructions it replaces more than 1 byte (IE any instruction larger than the Nop opcode, so all branches, opcodes where a value is expected such as call or ldc.r8, switch command, etc. still works for single instruction short opcodes such as ldloc.1, ldc.i4.0, etc.).

Requires a new install, file is updated in OP. Enjoy!


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 7 years
any modders here that could answer a simple question? Wondering how often when modding unity apps you edit other dll libraries in the "managed" directory other than assembly-csharp and specifically if you edit them "through" that file (example traversing the assembly tree in dnspy)? Deciding on the use case need for having a similar capability now that i figured out a way to do it, if its even necessary to dig into that since you could always just disassemble and edit separately, just the reference linkage isn't readily visible


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 7 years
Ohhh hey there,

This is an highly amazing thing to do for the community @s810car. I will using it when it's near a finished product hope you finish it buddy it looks very promising and interesting, good luck.

Kind regards,


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 7 years
Ohhh hey there,

This is an highly amazing thing to do for the community @s810car. I will using it when it's near a finished product hope you finish it buddy it looks very promising and interesting, good luck.

Kind regards,
thanks for the kind words :) just so you know, the current capability as it stands (barring any bugs still in) allows you to:
  • Disassemble an apk using current standardized modding tools (apktool, dex2jar, smali/baksmali)
  • inspect the entire file tree allowing view of the decrypted manifest, browse the resource folders (with a decent image viewer for an IDE), and all the smali files, of course editing is possible as well, in standard editor or hex editing
  • if a unity apk, has a decent implementation of a .NET disassembler, giving a tree structure to browse through and edit methods IL instructions
  • for any dll you do disassemble, has a rudimentary COFF/PE header browser (cannot edit the header in its current state, however that is FINALLY up the list to where it'll be possible in the next update!)
  • after completing any edits you wish, has the tools needed to rebuild the apk, both signed and unsigned
  • working on little handy tools specific to this being for android modding as well: currently the ability to auto inject a toast message is built in, quick shortcuts to locate the assembly-csharp file, manifest, and default strings.xml file, command line versions of aapt, apktool, etc. Many more planned as well (hex->dec and offset address resolve calculator, other injection possibilities being researched, etc)
  • Goal of being both beginner friendly and clean, usable interface: you can see many tips on what the IL instructions and metadata tables mean during a .NET disassembly, the toast addon was meant to simplify a standard modding technique for newbies. Tutorial and extensive help files will be done for final release. For UI, customization of styles, fonts, window sizing, full syntax highlighting of over 30 programming languages, and much more planned as well.

Anyways, main point is, its pretty close to being a "finished" product, at least to the point itll take you from start to end on a project. Given the amount of ideas i have to make it as fully "AIO" as possible, you'll be waiting a REALLY long time for the finished product per se:lol: for example, next big update after the header editing capability will be either the encryption detection (and hopefully decryption) project i got, IL2CPP, or a disassembler capability for .so files (think low level IDA).
So thanks again and when you do take it for a spin, feedback is still very crucial to me (i can only bug test so much, field work will be the real test, and i have built several logging tools into it to allow you to provide a detailed report, even a screenshot tool for any visual oddities lol)