💬 Review Autodesk Sketchbook

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Name of the app you are reviewing: Autodesk Sketchbook

Link to the content you're reviewing on our site (optional): SketchBook - draw and paint - Apps on Google Play

This is a digital art app for your I-Phone, Android device or even Microsoft computer. It has many digital tools for any aspiring artist to make digital art on the go. This app is free but does include in-app purchases.

I downloaded this app along time ago, a few years ago. When you first download the app, you get simple tools and functions to help you create art. There are only a few mandatory tools and functions available and you may only use 3 layers at a time. While this is a set back, in my experience it was still fun to create using this app, even with the small amount of tool options and limited layers. When you purchase the full experience of this app, you unlock a whole ton more functions and tools to create works of digital art, and you even have unlimited layers, beware too many layer may cause lag. This isn't exactly a problem cause its easy to delete and merge layers. It's easy to save and share your works too. The app has a gallery where you
can save and load your works. Every time you got to make a new art work it'll asked to save or discard the current piece, and if you get closed out of the app it'll automatically save what you've done. This app it's a lot of fun and can be used for various things, I use this app to make simple art, edit photos, take notes, do random math, and even make memes.

Would you recommend this to other users? While I think making amazing art on your cell phone is difficult, I've seen some crazy stuff and I think the aspiring artist would benefit form using this app. And even the casual artist who has nothing else to do on their phone.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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