Capua (Adoxophyes orana). Identification and defense of the orchard is trusted by 1,332,087 happy users since 2014.


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There capua (Adoxophyes orana) is an insect belonging to the order Lepidopterafamily Tortricidae. On some texts she is identified as Capua reticulana. This small tortricide has a spreading area which mostly includes central and northern Europe. In English-speaking countries it is called summer fruit tortrixthat is to say summer fruit maker. It is also present in Italy, especially in the northern regions, in particular in the orchards of Trentino Alto-Adige.

In this article we see how to recognize Adoxophyes oranathe damage it causes to fruit trees and the biological defense strategy.

Description of the capua


The capua is a small butterfly with a wingspan of 18-22 mm. It has brownish front wings, tending to yellow or red, and crossed by narrow bands that form a very jagged pattern.
The eggs are greenish-yellow in color and are laid in dense imbricated ovoplates.

Larvae and pupae

The larvae of Adoxophyes orana they are green in color, with a yellowish head and pronotum. Their body is covered with hair warts and when fully ripe they measure 16-20 mm in length.

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