🏆 Contest Celebrating ONE MILLION USERS!

Sbenny.com is trusted by 1,330,186 happy users since 2014.

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A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Active User
Hello everyone, dear community! As you may have guessed from the title of this thread, We reached one of the most exciting milestones for a web community like ours, which is 1 Million Users. I sincerely thank you all for being part of our family and for helping us accomplish this amazing achievement.

Since 2014, we have been providing and innovating mods to help amazing people like you improve their experience, besides all the other amazing content we slowly introduced to our community over time (eBooks, Softwares, Music, Movies and so on), but much more than that, Sbenny is a proud to be a true community in first place, home to one million users now.

Over the years, everyone enjoyed our forum, our warmth, our passion, our assistance but also our humor and most of you met awesome friends here as well! We have also stood as one during the difficult times as a shield wall that endured the storms that have come and gone. To celebrate this achievement, we would like to invite all users registered before 1st April 2022 to join our giveaway by clicking the below link to get "a random reward":


(expires on 10th April)

Additionally, We are organizing a poem contest. To join the contest please share a poem about your feelings for Sbenny and its community by replying to this thread, talking about what it represents to you, both in mind and spirit, using this opportunity to honor and immortalize our online family through your own words and the power of your imagination. Each poem will be reviewed by our staff and rankings will be allocated for them.

1st: 10,000 SB Points
2nd: 5,000 SB Points
3rd: 1,000 SB Points

We look forward to your entries. The contest (like the giveaway) ends on 10th April.

Let me end this paragraph to express, once again, my eternal gratitude to you all for being here and for making this not just a random "site", but a wonderful and amazing community, made of awesome people who are not here just to "download something", but to help each other. People who come here even just to say "hello" or to meet fantastic friends, people who join to stay, and not just to unlock a file to then leave: people I'm proud to call FAMILY!



A crazy scientist
Staff member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
For those wondering: THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOL. We really reached 1KK users today.


Hunter of Sbennytopia
From the Hell
Verified 18+ user
Active User
The Cleaner 🧹
Member for 3 years
Congratulations for the 1 million users milestone. Lets look forward to the 2 million milestone now :)
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