💬 Review Citizen of Rome

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Name of the app you are reviewing: Citizen of Rome

Play as a Roman building your family legacy and gaining wealth

Awesome it's just great u an be a Roman an consul or Tribune I really like it because rome is always
Fasinating and the game is somewhat of a real life simulation of rome with all the abilities of a normal or wealthy person of rome the influence system is the best option as I'm broke and can just get money when I want to get something like the bathhouse events I can Always get money It ijust really needs an ability when your consul to try stuff like ceaser go on campaigns and become an emperor or at least of an affair with a servant to keep it interesting also they should add two wives or at least concubines because Romans can have concubines regardless of class because sometimes I die without children and become old people it's not really what I want as they aren't apart of my family they just gain all of my wealth and that is not fun I thank u for that mod that allows free shopping as I have everything now I can't show a link because I can't find it write now thank u and sbenny

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes 100000%
Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐