💬 Review Days Bygone by Michaelwal1

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
Name of the app you are reviewing: Days Bygone

its your typical tower defence but the main difference is the pure fact the game relies on resets in order to progress
has a very high replayability factor

i loved this game so much i just got bored after playing for so long i got to the upward ten thousands and had lost my will to go any further relies on a reset system and the endless grind of keys fossils runes weapons and heroes a game that you can easily pass time playing and most of the issues can be simply solved but you have to save up a lot of gems in order to get some legendary heroes the weapon grind sucks i would not spend gems to get weapon crates or legendary weapons it is very easy to get crates and hard to get hero tickets the elixer system is painful at best you will have to constantly waste a lot of time reseting to get more powerful abilitys early game requires a bit of micro managing but there shouldn't be too much difficulty it'll mostly be the lack of gold you will have to deal with gems are very scarce you get very few from the daily quests and achievements grant so few for how long some of them take to do which is why its so hard to save up for all the heroes you will need to progress through the story and constantly be grinding

Would you recommend this to other users? i would recommend this to people who need to find something to pass the time

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐