Do you know Rankdle?, the game for eSports lovers is trusted by 1,333,404 happy users since 2014.


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eSports do not stop growing. A decade ago, electronic sports were a niche hobby for young video game lovers, now eSports are a whole world level competition where there is an elite of players who live only for the competition. The growth of eSports has brought very fun sources of entertainment, including Rankdle.


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What is Rankdle, the competitive level guessing game in eSports?

It is a browser game that you can play on both PC and mobile and consists of, every day, guess the rank of a professional eSports player after seeing a clip of his playing style.

In short, Rankdle consists of watching a competitive play within the game of your choice and discovering, based on what happens within the recording, what competitive level that game has.

It’s a free game that renews competitive clips every day. It has several competitive scenes from several different games and in each of them we will have the opportunity to try your luck in up to 3 different video clips.

Depending on how close you are to the current rank of the game you have seen, you will be given more or fewer stars.

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