Does pineapple goes with pizza? is trusted by 1,331,468 happy users since 2014.

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Izza Chen

APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 4 years
Let's summon our pizza lord @Izza Chen maybe the pizza force within will enlighten us all 😁
Hahahaha you!! Hahahaha I laughed when I read this hahaha 😂😂
Well, this is very subjective haha but I think pineapples are perfect for Hawaiian pizzas like a little bit of sweetness to cut through a salty snack like pizza. Haha but of course if the person who would eat the pizza doesn't want some pineapples, then put it away!! Please? Or let me eat those pineapples for yooouuu hahahahaha
#sharepineapples #gimmepizza #idontlikecarrots


Veteran Lv7️⃣
Member for 4 years
Hahahaha you!! Hahahaha I laughed when I read this hahaha 😂😂
Well, this is very subjective haha but I think pineapples are perfect for Hawaiian pizzas like a little bit of sweetness to cut through a salty snack like pizza. Haha but of course if the person who would eat the pizza doesn't want some pineapples, then put it away!! Please? Or let me eat those pineapples for yooouuu hahahahaha
#sharepineapples #gimmepizza #idontlikecarrots
yay pizza forever. Long live pizza (slurp)


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
anything goes with a pizza if you're willing enough


A crazy scientist
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As Italian I can just say we're all against it, and some of us find it offensive as we believe traditional food shouldn't be revisited so much to completely wipe out the original recipe of it, and putting Pineapple on Pizza is a crime :LOL:

Another Coffee

Sbennytopia's Royal Hatter
Member for 5 years
As an argentinian (meaning, as a citizen from the country with the best pizzas in the world *-*) i approve of this. Never let anyone tell you how to eat your pizza! If we would have done that, there wouldn't be our magnificent inventions:

The Fugazza con queso

And the Fugazzetta


Mark A

˜”*1̴̸̷̶̵̧̛̛̪͍̖̦̣̜̠̯̰̻̫̪̰̞̙̎̀̊̑̏́͛̂͐͋̋̈́̊̿̕͝͝͠ͅ *”˜
Member for 6 years
As an argentinian (meaning, as a citizen from the country with the best pizzas in the world *-*) i approve of this. Never let anyone tell you how to eat your pizza! If we would have done that, there wouldn't be our magnificent inventions:

The Fugazza con queso

And the Fugazzetta

I saw a pizza with weed on it, what country is that from?

Mark A

˜”*1̴̸̷̶̵̧̛̛̪͍̖̦̣̜̠̯̰̻̫̪̰̞̙̎̀̊̑̏́͛̂͐͋̋̈́̊̿̕͝͝͠ͅ *”˜
Member for 6 years
So many questions:
Do SpongeBob like pineapples on pizza?
Does SpongeBob ever eat pizza while inside his pineapple house?
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