Dried fruit beetle (Carpophilus hemipterus)

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The dried fruit beetle (Carpophilus hemipterus) is an insect belonging to the order Coleopterafamily Nitidulidae. Vulgarly it is also known as carpophile of dried fruit and it is a small beetle native to India, even if, to date, it has a cosmopolitan diffusion, that is, it is present all over the world. In Italy it is widespread in all regions, but especially in the southern ones and in the islands.
In spite of the name, which suggests attacks and infestations concentrated only on foodstuffs (dried fruit), it is a parasite that also damages the fruit in the field, in particular peaches and figs.

So let’s see how to recognize this beetle and how to defend the orchards and dried fruit in the pantries.

Description of the dried fruit beetle

Dried fruit beetle

The Carpophilus hemipterus has a length of 2-4 mm. The body of the adult is sub-oval, convex, brown in color. It has a densely and finely dotted prothorax. The elytra (wings) are dark brown in color, each with a broad yellowish spot.

Eggs and larvae

The egg of the dried fruit beetle measures 0.9 x 0.3 mm, has an elongated shape and a cream color.

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