eBook area has just been improved!

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A crazy scientist
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I guess it's time to improve this fantastic section, as you all guys and gals shared an incredible amount of wonderful eBooks to read, so I was thinking it was time to do something on my side.

I came up with a few improvements, feel free to share your opinion about them and leave feedbacks whenever you feel to.


In order to facilitate the process of sharing eBooks on our community, I introduced a guided template, similar to the one you find in Game Releases, but simpler.
It will just include the necessary fields, and will help users as most of the fields are already pre-formatted. The download link, for example, will already have the hide bbcode set so you'll not have to add it manually.


From now on, each eBook will include a poll where people can share their vote on the eBook. They can vote it depending on how much they enjoyed the read: 5, 4, 3, 2 or even 1 star if they didn't like it at all.


Prefix is the rectangle you usually find before almost every thread in this forum, well I decided to add a new prefix, specifically for the eBook section which will have the role of completing your title with a SEO-Friendly group of keywords which will help you thread appear first on search engines and it will also make your thread more appealing.


A new rank is being created right now, it will be assigned to all our fellow eBook releasers!


Usersdownload has been also affected by this update. From now on, the following files will no longer expire: .pdf , .epub , .mobi (thanks to @Moonblink), .cbr (thanks to @johnhern) and .lit (thanks to ).
I would have loved to add .rar and .zip extensions, too, but unfortunately this would have been exploited as eBook are not the only files which are added into archives. If you come up with some unique extensions I didn't list yet for your eBooks, feel free to notify me and I'll make them never-expiring, too.


I moved across all the pre-existing eBook releases and applied the following changes:

• NEW PREFIX added to all the threads
• HIDE BBCODE added to all the download links

I felt it was necessary to do both things in order to boost the already existing releases and to avoid people downloading your stuff without even thanking you for your noble decision to freely share all the eBooks you probably paid for with our community.

SB Points REWARDS FOR EBOOK RELEASERS (implemented on June, 21th)

Every time a user will release an eBook, he/she will be compensated with 50 SB Points, in the exactly same way it already happens in "Game Releases" and "App Releases".

Ok, that's all for now. Hope you like it, and once again: THANK YOU SO MUCH for what you're doing here! <3
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Resident Bookworm 🐛
Member for 6 years
Wow! Such amazing news!!
Thank you for taking the time to make all of this new features, it'll really make the process alot easier and faster ♡.
If you come up with some unique extensions I didn't list yet for your eBooks, feel free to notify me and I'll make them never-expiring, too.
Some books are .mobi

A suggestion that i don't know how easy it will be to make happen if at all. Is to make sure that the person is sharing a book that hasn't been uploaded before to avoid multiple threads of the same book.


A crazy scientist
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Thank you so much! .mobi added to the list of never-expiring files!

About similar threads, it has been already suggested many times, and I think it's time to implement this, so I'll work on it right now :)


Resident Bookworm 🐛
Member for 6 years
Thanks for the fast actions
Ooooo, and i just noticed the new amazing rank colors 😍


A crazy scientist
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Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
I was wondering if we are able to post books in other languages or only English?


Modding Since 2017
Member for 6 years
Hey @Sbenny this is sweet. Also if someone releases comics they are usually in .cbr format if you can add that.


A crazy scientist
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I was wondering if we are able to post books in other languages or only English?
Any languages are welcome, in order to make our archive better and multi-purpose :)

@johnhern thank you so much, extension added to the never-expiring files!


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
site is too confusing, where is the ebook area?


A crazy scientist
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Actually it's quite organized and well-structured. Of course you can't pretend to find gold in a gold mine without attempting at searching first.

Go to the index of the forum, scroll down till you reach the Android forum and you obviously find the section called ebooks in there, exactly in the most obvious place everyone would think to find it into.


Resident Bookworm 🐛
Member for 6 years
Another suggestion is to add a "solved" or "fulfilled" prefix to the request section [like the one in game and app requests] so people would know which requests have been fulfilled and the books they should be able to find.


A crazy scientist
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Nice idea, added! Plus, I'm going to add a fielded template for the request section, too.


Resident Bookworm 🐛
Member for 6 years
Yes, thank you. :) Because some people don't put links to the books and that makes it harder to know which book they want


A crazy scientist
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.lit format added to the never-expiring files!

Also, it's a pleasure for me to announce I expanded the SB Points Rewards (50) which occurred for people who released in "Game Releases" and "App Releases" sections to the "eBook Releases" sections!

This means, from now on, each time a new eBook will be published, the author of it will be compensated with 50 SB Points!


Resident Bookworm 🐛
Member for 6 years
Awesome news, and i feel like all i do these days is thank you for stuff, but you more than deserve it so Thank you again 😂😁