💬 Review Exiled kingdoms by Kajus

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Name of the app you are reviewing: Exiled kingdoms

An action RPG, you can pick between four class, mage, warrior, rogue and cleric. Note that you must pay to unlocked mage and cleric. You do a lot of dungeon exploring by the way.

I came into contact with the game when I was searching for games in the play store, the game has a demo where you can play the game until level 8, you can pay for the rest of the game and for a cheap price. In my opinion the game is very long, and surprisingly fun it didn't at all look very fun assuming it's graphics. It does feel somewhat difficult, this is if your playing on normal, the main aspect of the game is gear and trait/skills, the way it works is upon gaining a level you receive a trait and skill point, for traits there are six you choose from, strength, intelligence, personality, agility, awareness and endurance, all play a vital part in the game and are specific to certain weapon types and classes for example as a mage you use mana, the trait intelligence increases the maximum mana you can have. Skills are just your abilities you use in combat, they can be weapon type specific but usually that's not the case, so they can be passive or active, for example as rogue you can train an ability called stab this causes you for one to do massive damage. As for the leveling in this game it is very slow, reaching to something like level 30 is quite considerable, taking a long time to get there needing you to complete tons of quests, speaking of which the game Is packed with, as I've said before it's a very long game, and this is all down to the amount of content It has, with quests being the main attraction. Quests give experience and money as well as reputation, experience is used to level up, money is used to buy equipment most likely potions(also a detail I'd like to mention is how this game operates with gear, the best gear cannot be bought but rather is gained through killing difficult bosses and exploring dungeons which your going to do a lot of) reputation lastly affects your relationship with NPC's, if you have low reputation your likely to be attacked by guards. Now where reputation is most important is when starting quests and joining guilds, when joining a guild you need to have a status of friendly and once you join you cannot change, what guilds allow is for you to train advanced skills obtained by matching certain trait requirements and by paying 5000 gold. Advanced skills aren't limited to a single guild however, for example you be a knight who can learn the skill flurry from the the seventh house guild whilst being in the warrior guild. In the end the game is filled with content, where your gear and the path you choose can impact the rest of your game.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes, I believe it is well worth the time

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐