Flax (Linum usitatissimum). History, cultivation and uses

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The linen is a plant belonging to the family of Linaceaegender Linumto which about 200 different species belong, including the Linum usitatissimum. This is the type of flax species grown for industrial purposes. Furthermore, it is among the first plants ever domesticated by man, as regards the production of fiber, but it is also cultivated for various other uses, for example food, medicinal and herbal.

In this article we take a look at the history of flax, we deepen its botanical characteristics, we understand the cultivation techniques and all the possible uses of the by-products of the crop.

History and origin of linen

The varieties of Linum usitatissimum cultivated today they are distinguished in those of fiber and seed, which would have two different centers of origin. The fiber varieties originate from the Mediterranean basin (Spain, Greece, Algeria, Egypt), while the seed varieties from the area between India, Afghanistan and Turkestan.
The cultivation of flax is very ancient, like prove the remains of seeds found in ancient Swiss pile dwellings dating back to the Stone Age and consisting of plant fragments and tools for their processing.

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