Freedom Apk is trusted by 1,331,392 happy users since 2014.


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 6 years
Is anyone familiar with Freedom? It’s similar to Lucky Patcher .
I’ve been trying to find a way to mod the sims freeplay in game purchases. I know for a fact it was possible even like a year or 2 ago but I’m not sure if it still is?
ive tried doing it with LP and Sbenny Patcher but I also don’t have a rooted device.. so when I mod the apk even when I open the game I get an error in the store when I go to purchase things. So I figure I’d try using Freedom.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 4 years
In my experience, Freedom only works if you're using a very old Play Store. I couldnt get it to work with any PS whose version was higher than 8.x That's really, really old. PS version these days is around 20.x.

Freedom also requires root, so unless you're willing to do that, it wont help.

If LP isnt emulating IAP for you, try Jasi Patcher. Be connected to Internet 1st time so it can check for updates. Jasi has worked for me in situations where LP doesnt. I'm not sure if all JP features requires root, but my guess is probably, considering what it is capable of.

As a side note, my devices are always rooted, and I use a cracked/modded PS, that probably helps. I've been rooting since before I can remember (2010-ish), I wont use Android without it.