Fruit Battlegrounds Codes 2022 (December List) is trusted by 1,335,461 happy users since 2014.


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Powered by Roblox, Fruit Battlegrounds is a fun way to bring your otaku fantasies back to life. It draws inspiration from the hit anime series One Piece. The game features a variety of anime maps.

Players can level up and unlock new fruits and powers. They can use these skills to earn rewards. This game also allows users to challenge other players online.

To get started, go to the Spin Fruit menu. After clicking this button, you will be asked to enter a code. Select a code and copy it into the input window.

After that, you will have to click on the Redeem button. This will take you to a page with a treasure-like ride. You will need to spend 80 gems to spin the wheel.

You will then be rewarded with a randomized fruit. Some fruits are easier to find than others. Among them, Flame is the best. It has the highest damage and range. It’s also useful for dodging attacks.

Besides Flame, there are other fruits to choose from. Some are more useful than others. For example, Smoke has decent damage numbers.

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