Gboard now supports handwriting input in text fields on Pixel and Galaxy tablets is trusted by 1,330,022 happy users since 2014.


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Google’s Gboard keyboard can now be used for handwriting input in text fields on Pixel and Samsung Galaxy tablets. Previously, Galaxy tablets could do this too, but you had to use the Samsung keyboard. Now you can use Gboard instead.

The help screen Write in text fields

The help screen Write in text fields

The help screen Write in text fields

The new feature, which was noticed by 9to5google, comes with a small help screen called “Write in text fields”. In addition to input, there are several editing actions you can perform with the stylus:

  • Eliminate: Use the stylus to erase a letter, word, or phrase to delete.
  • To select: Draw a circle around a letter, world, or phrase to select it.
  • Insert: Use the stylus to draw a cursor or arrow where you want to add new text.
  • Joint: Draw a “|” [vertical line] between text to insert a space or join the text before and after the space
  • New line: Draw down, then left with the stylus to move the text to a new line

Additionally, some of these actions (and more) will appear on a small floating toolbar.

The post continues on our Blog: Gboard now supports handwriting input in text fields on Pixel and Galaxy tablets

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