I have a small idea and suggestion it won't be very imortant for some people but i suggest to change or add an easy way to become an active member

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 6 years
I have a small idea or suggestion it won't be very imortant for some people but i suggest to change or add an easy way to become an active member


Member for 5 years
The whole reason Badges were added was to make people work for it, and it's not even that hard to get (despite the confusing descriptions).

And your "suggestion" should be you giving ideas on how a thing should change, why it should change and the benefits of it. Because a lot of people complains about these things but most are just don't want to put in any works and it's easier to just tell other people to literally "give" them what they want.
If you're confused about the badge, ask a staff for tips to make it easier.

I can understand your opinion but if you need points, watching 1 ad everyday can give you more points than keeping the badge 😗

Overalls, I'm not annoyed but your "suggestion" is more of a complaining, don't get me wrong though, you need some defenses about how it's "in need of fix" it is.

Thank you, hope you read to this point 🙂


Member for 3 years
Um.... actually, it isn't that hard.
Also, a rank is something you get for your efforts.
Becoming an active member is easy compared to other ranks, you just need to keep doing your thing regularly.


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
A couple of replies a day to people's threads isn't that hard. Maybe review your own phone, game you have played or book you have read. It will gain you your active user badge in no time. You don't need to be on here 24/7. I you have unlocked a game, maybe leave a Thank you.


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Let me also announce here I just increased the daily ad reward to 150 SB Points (who knows, are people gonna notice this here? Cuz I'm not gonna post this new elsewhere, hehe)


Hunter of Sbennytopia
From the Hell
Verified 18+ user
Active User
The Cleaner 🧹
Member for 3 years
Let me also announce here I just increased the daily ad reward to 150 SB Points (who knows, are people gonna notice this here? Cuz I'm not gonna post this new elsewhere, hehe)
Ahem Mr Wizard i am also alive and i found your new announcement :)


Member for 5 years
Let me also announce here I just increased the daily ad reward to 150 SB Points (who knows, are people gonna notice this here? Cuz I'm not gonna post this new elsewhere, hehe)
Yeah, I saw the change! Very smert! 😏😛


Hunter of Sbennytopia
From the Hell
Verified 18+ user
Active User
The Cleaner 🧹
Member for 3 years
The most unexpected one was the cookie.....

Ease up, no need to announce yourself or anything, he notices everybody here....
He is Almighty one