Leaked images show case designs for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 and Z Fold4

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The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 and Z Fold4 will be unveiled next week, but there is still a steady stream of leaks. The last one shows cases for the next leaflets. The design of the two phones has been tweaked, but the overall traits are the same, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that even the cases look too different.

This Galaxy Z Flip4 case features the now familiar “Silicone Case with Strap” design. The idea of the strap is to act as a comfortable handle for a secure grip when needed and to keep out of the way when it’s not.

Leaked images show case designs for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 and Z Fold4

For this generation the Galaxy Z Fold4 also has a strap design, albeit slightly different: the metal buckle is missing.

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