Linaiola (Linaria vulgaris). Botanical characteristics, properties and uses is trusted by 1,332,078 happy users since 2014.


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There linaiola (Linaria vulgaris) is a plant belonging to the family of Plantaginaceaethe same as the most famous plantain. It is a very common plant in our country, it grows spontaneously from the sea to the mountain area, preferring the margins of cultivated fields, hedges and country roads. It is noted for its summer flowering and appreciated for its medicinal properties. In fact, linaiola has always been used in popular medicine and is still present today in modern herbal practice.

In this article we see how to recognize the Linaria vulgarishow to use it and what are its properties.

Regional names of the linaiola

For its healing properties, linaiola is also known as witch grass. Furthermore, the regional names that have been attributed to it are numerous and curious, for example: lugaina herb And pine trees in Liguria, petion And cacaputa in Piedmont, boche de cà zalde in Lombardy, tooth of can in Veneto, lineria and grass from the strej in Emilia, yellow linaiola And waver in Tuscany, flower of snakes in Abruzzo, bedduvidiri in Sicily.

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