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The riddles of champions in LoLdle
The riddles of champions in LoLdle

League of Legends It is one of the most popular experiences in the world of video games in recent years. A team strategy title where 5 champions face off to destroy the opposing base as quickly as possible. If you are a fan of this adventure, the LoLdle experience will surely give you more alternatives to continue exploring its universe.

LoLdle is a guessing game based on the different LoL champions. The game is based on the Wordle game and changes the guessing of words to the name of certain champions based on images, phrases or specific characteristics.

The Wordle phenomenon but with League of Legends, LoLdle

Wordle is a word guessing game in crossword format. The objective is to guess a word in only six tries. The only clues provided are visual, to indicate if the letters are correctly located, if they are in the word but in another position, or if they are not there at all.

The mechanics are extremely simple. This simplicity has earned it great popularity as players of all ages try to discover the daily word.

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