Make Request Payment 50$b cash instead of 100$b cash. is trusted by 1,335,175 happy users since 2014.

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APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years
Dear Mr. @Sbenny i was hoping if you can reconsidered this matter i was hoping if you could atleast reduced the request payment for 50 SB Points instead of 100 SB Points my reason are the normal member who has not enough cash to make request not everybody has a money to buy cash membership also i know i don't have the right to complain but the 50 SB Points is a reasonalble price for it.. thank you for reading my rants.


A crazy scientist
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I think a normal member could log in for at least 4 days to get started with the forum if he's really interested in that game. We're not here to make life easy for lazy people, and we do provide some kind of quality work which is beyond any other android modding community, as soon as you'll realize it, I'm sure you'll understand why they need 100 SB Points and not 50 or even 0 to make a game request.

Best regards,


A crazy scientist
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I'm not angry at all buddy :) I'm following this discussion because it's an interesting topic, but there's no rule infringement from you nor any offense, don't feel in danger lol you're safe :)


Master of The Force
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Member for 6 years
@KhanTipaS just to make you feel better (or maybe worse LOL) I would have answered this the same way @Sbenny did, just using different words.
Members really do need to understand how hard it is, and how much time it takes, to make the mods and keep them all updated (sometimes 4 updates in one week just for ONE game). They don't get paid for their work, they do it out of love for this community purely because they want to. Compensating them with your easily earned virtual SB Points isn't too much to ask. *wink*

Now get back to the music section and make more requests. You have better things to do here. :lol:;)


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
Interesting Why not give this A Chance in Polls so everyone can make a vote for it or is it not really that possible?


A crazy scientist
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If it was a reasonable change, why not. But I don't personally think I should give less value to our modders, if we'd make a poll it'd be about having 100 SB Points as of now or MORE, not less lol.


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
If it was a reasonable change, why not. But I don't personally think I should give less value to our modders, if we'd make a poll it'd be about having 100 SB Points as of now or MORE, not less lol.
i know were this going trust me so i will not pursue this matter anymore don't mind my comment
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